Cultivation Street Week

7th March, 2022 - 13th March, 2022

Community gardens | Free

Community gardens across the UK are not only growing rapidly in numbers but are also doing incredible work, transforming lives as well as the land itself.

Some are also working specially with those suffering from physical or mental disabilities; some give offenders a place to get work experience after leaving prison; some are used as a place to teach their community lessons about prejudice, racism and inequality; others are there simply for the joy, beauty and peace that comes from working with plants and helping them grow. The list is endless, but the benefits are clear. In fact, many hospitals and therapeutic centres now prescribe joining community garden projects as part of their healing and recovery programmes.

Cultivation Street is dedicated to support, inspire and cultivate this powerful and incredibly healthy pursuit wherever it springs up, as well as bringing publicity to the movement and teaching people how they can start their own projects.

Organised by Cultivation Street

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