NextGen: Rewilding for Future Generations

10th November, 2022 | 20:00 - 10th November, 2022 | 21:00

Online | Free

As part of COP27's Youth and Future Generations Day, SCOTLAND: The Big Picture's NextGen team are hosting a free webinar introducing rewilding from their perspective, sharing their hopes and vision for a rewilded Scotland.

As part of the webinar you will hear from young people involved in rewilding, how they became involved and how you can get involved and take steps to rewild yourself.

About SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

In order to meet the growing challenges of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss, we need to see The Big Picture. Rewilding reaches beyond simply protecting species or habitats within nature reserves or protected areas and instead, seeks to transform Scotland’s land and seas so that they work for nature, climate and people.

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises.

About #NextGen

NextGen are a group of inspirational young people who are passionate about rewilding and want to advocate for a future Scotland where people and wildness thrive. They are volunteers aged between 16-25 from across Scotland.

Organised by SCOTLAND@ The Big Picture

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