Consultation Hub


Perth & Kinross Council make decisions that affect our communities. That's why we want your thoughts and input to help with those decisions by getting involved on our Consultation Hub. This platform allows everyone to contribute towards the decision-making process, and your responses inform action. You can keep up to date with new engagement activity by subscribing to our mailing list and by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

Please have your say by visiting our Consultation Hub and viewing climate change engagement activities.

Case Study - Value of the Consultation Hub

Between October 2020 to the end of January 2021 Perth & Kinross Council hosted an online engagement open to all stakeholders across Perth and Kinross to have their say on Climate Change challenges and activities across the region. We asked everyone how we can work together to become a climate resilient Perth and Kinross.

To continue the ongoing theme that everyone in Perth and Kinross has something to contribute, no matter how big or small their actions are, the engagement was rolled out under the PK Offer Umbrella.

Throughout the engagement process we hosted and attended numerous online discussions covering a variety of topics related to Climate Change and carbon saving.

In order to achieve this we worked closely with key industry partners and community-led groups across the region.

The results of this engagement process contributed towards forming our Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

Below are some of the key stats from this engagement process called ‘Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change’.