New Tree Planting Guidance for Communities

27th May, 2024

Perth & Kinross Council have recently produced a new Community Tree Planting Guide to support community tree planting. Community tree planting initiatives can significantly impact the local landscape and environment.

This Community Tree Planting Guide offers comprehensive advice for those looking to start a tree planting initiative in their local area. It covers essential steps such as defining objectives (e.g., attracting wildlife, providing shade, preventing soil erosion, reducing flooding), selecting suitable locations, and obtaining necessary permissions.

Communities can play a crucial role in tree planting projects, from planning and organising to ongoing maintenance and care, fostering a sense of ownership and stewardship.

The guide outlines best practices for choosing appropriate native species and provides detailed instructions on planting techniques, maintenance, and care for the first ten years. Additionally, it offers information on organising planting events, including safety and logistical considerations. The guide also lists potential funding sources and resources for obtaining free trees, ensuring the sustainability and success of tree planting projects.